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you will dig and dig until your hands are bleeding

@eternalgirlscout /

Sarah 🦇 she/her 🦇 27. Keeper of secrets and teller of tales. Monstrous and beautiful. A bead and an acorn. Graduate degree in dead people.

i sometimes like characters that fucking suck. when a character is a shit head in just the right way it can be so funny and/or compelling. like this is my beloved character, Asshole The Hater. they suck and i love them. someone dropped them into a ditch on the side of the road and i picked them out of the ditch and put them in my pocket


wow! a group of trans people just staged a sit-in protest at the bathroom across from speaker johnson's office. there were also cis people present and "survivors of sexual assault who dispute anti-trans rhetoric".

notably, chelsea manning was there and she used the women's restroom.

they were all arrested for "sexual misconduct".

a powerful act of protest imo, though it's scary that this is getting classified as sexual misconduct. we obviously already knew that's how transphobes see us (and especially/primarily how they see trans women) but this feels especially transparent here.

I'm paraphrasing but here's some journalists talking about this event here:

from Pablo Manríquez ( on bsky)

A cop calmly asked an organizer if any of the protesters want to get arrested. "Yes," said the organizer. "The women in the bathroom." The cop explains the arrest will include sexual misconduct. "Yes, we understand."

an article on the immediate and potential effects of this protest + the republican reaction:

as for the protesters' safety following their arrests: "[...]no sexual misconduct charges were ultimately filed. All protesters were released later that day."


"but this female character has so little personality in canon what am i supposed to do with her!!1!!" the newsies fandom in 2014 was giving rich backstories and elaborate personalities to nameless white guy #35. learn. adapt

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