Chapter 2: Hotshots and Volt Keys
Once the mess was cleaned up, the two men went down to the end of the hallway and stepped into the service elevator. As the doors closed, they continued their conversation.
"You know, Poe, what I don't get is that you didn't really do anything crazy. I mean, fighter pilots were always doing stuff like this back in the Imperial Wars. Do you think you would've ever heard of Han Solo, o-or even Luke Skywalker himself, if they hadn't taken a few risks like that—several risks?"
"I guess not," Poe replied, dejectedly. "But General Leia doesn't see it that way. Not anymore."
"Well, it might just be she's just a little out of it—she did lose her husband about a week ago, you know."
The young pilot looked down sadly. "I know. I hated to hear that—Han was a good man, and when I was growing up, almost a second father to me. But General Leia never lost her nerve on a mission before, not even when all this started with the First Order five years ago."
"Yeah—that was when her brother went missing, right? Or was that before? Somebody needs to publish an outline of this thing."