there's definitely a lot happening behind the scenes that i don't show!! i like to have readers figure it out and make theories as we go along, just like Peter is having to do! though there are SOME things that are important for us to know that Peter doesn't, and we'll get into that in a few chapters. we'll get back to Mysterio and Ohnn later but right now, it's definitely a question of what Loki is up to and why he's up to it- and how he did it. i've been dropping hints for a few chapters now and i'm sure everyone will freak out when it's revealed :3
let's just say that Loki's motivations are very complicated, but Mysterio is very straightforward with what he wants. that fear gas will come back into play in a, frankly, horrific way, but they'll figure it out!! they always do :) and it might just help someone find their way into the family...
we gotta get all of this out of the way in order to move into the next arcs: one where we see what's going on in Marvel POV since we last saw them, and one where Mysterio and Ohnn make their final move ;3 As for the assassins...
well, Ned sure is dealing with something, but Loki might not have been as honest as he wanted Peter to believe. i gave a hint to what Ned's been up to in some Ned and Peter art i shared a while back, but no one's quite caught on yet (for good reason, as i might have twisted canon around a whole lot for this to work)