The last thing I saw before I died
the morshmeollows are beinge summoned
morshmeollow time !
Cat, what do you suggest for someone who had a really bad day?
worry not for im know somebeody whom is expert in vanquishinge bad days
he is beinge summoned. remain calmb
cousin bartók is arrivinge imminently !
cousin bartók have arrived bearinge mighty furs & soothinge gift of moss. bad days are now vanquished permanentlé
Blessed boi on the right
Big Eyes
chippie_gummy on ig
Mom tried to call her inside but she was enjoying her pot of dirt
longcat is probably dead :(
Awww, long cat’s owner got married.
this is a good post
“When you say “Looooong”, I think of my cat. Around 15 years ago, someone made me lots of collages of my cat. The cat is still alive and she is the longest living cat in our family!”
“Now she is 17 years old. She does not climb to high places anymore, but she is relaxing and living her life.”
“It’s not something recent. This is the photo that we took when we made her Figure”