Bravely sharing my Halloween costume –> shout-out to all my 20th-century British dystopian literature fans & Kubrick girlies
trick or treat
stares autistically
i'm so sorry if it's late yesterday has been a lot
No worries at all! I almost didn't have time yesterday either, missed most of the booping 😪
Here's a photo of a really cool rock that one day mysteriously appeared in the Prague library for some reason and a cozy hang-out spot from my 'places where I'd love to read' collection ✨
Trick or treat!!👻
Treat ofc! You're getting a medieval manuscript version of Plutarch and a rare bust of Catllus!
*walks up to your blog with my pumpkin basket on a pike for thematic appropriateness* trick or treat!!!
I appreciate the pike!!
You're getting possibly the best animal photo I've ever taken (I'd like to call it 'Friday evening blues') and a mysterious Irish road sign that I think would work really well as an album cover
Trick or treat ! 🕸🦇
You get an illustration of Camille giving a speech from MC and a café in Paris that may or may not be named after him ✨