Something about how quickly time flies >•<
honestly glad that dnp kept "phil is not on fire" (pinof) as their yearly series instead of amazingdan because imagine how ugly AD 1-10 looks ? like is it even possible to have a two character url ? i love the amazingdan videos w all my heart don't get me wrong BUT in terms of a series ... like
AD 2
AD 3
AD 4
stranger things 3: comes out in 2019
can someone tell phil to play with dans hair for pinof 9
pinof 9 aka the first "phil is not on fire" in which dan has curly hair
imagine a segment of pinof 9 is them reacting to the most iconic parts of pinof 1
pinof 9 is going to be iconic.. new apartment .. dans curly hair ..
whenever i hear “ka blam” i can only think about that fucking sloth from pinof 3
it’s important to stay hydrated
happy and happier
imagine really looking up to someone and constantly trying to get their attention and one day they notice you and you guys start talking and then fast forward a few years you guys are best friends performing a sold out show around the world and have no plans to ever stop being friends
okay but how precious is this