39 weeks! (+1)
I had my 39 week appointment today! It was largely uneventful, especially compared to last week. I'm still measuring small, but after two ultrasounds they are attributing it to jelly bean having dropped so much. As the midwife pointed out today, she can't get any lower without being on the outside LOL. My cervix is still sitting squarely behind her head (I still can't really wrap my mind around that...), but I am just under a "stretchy" 3cm dilated and 90% effaced. I've been having contractions every 10-15 min for 36 hours now, and just really, really hope the end is in sight soon. She said it was actually a positive thing that I'm dilating so slowly but steadily, because it makes it more likely that my labor will be really efficient. And with her laying so low in my pelvis, while it's super ouchy and not fun now, hopefully it won't take much to push her out 👍 My favorite part right now is watching the expressions on people's faces when they say, "When are you due?" and I can cheerfully respond, "Next week!" 😂