I want to KISS the person who made this display, that is AMAZING
at the bakery~
rawing people on couches is so hard yet most of my ideas involve that
wow this post still going around huh
Boulders in now abandoned Dogtown, MA. In the 1930s Roger Babson commissioned unemployed stonecutters to engrave 35 boulders with “inspirational” phrases after the announcement of the stock market crash that would lead to the Great Depression.
sorry to these men but you'd think with something like stone engraving the idea of being extra careful about kerning would be taken really seriously
They were greatly depressed, cut them some slack.
ocs from @charmhwa in instagram
Got that Halloween bug
i love how whenever something gets popular the underground tormented avant garde bloggers start becoming self conscious of liking it/finding it funny, and it eventually evolves into aggression towards it. doesnt matter what it is. unrelated but i saw someone call isopods cringe today
This is the most important post on this site
Poorly drawn Vulpix line [redo]
Who up gobbling they fucking wawa i guess