Time Slice by Richard Silver
The “Time Slice” Project started in New York City, originally as a book idea. I would go out at sundown and photograph iconic NY skyscrapers. I finished with 38 different buildings. When I looked deeper into the cost of book production, it just wasn’t economically feasible to do a book. With a few different ideas of how to portray the photos I came up with the Sliced idea.
Each photo consists of usually 36 photos taken at approximately 30 minutes before sunset, through sunset and 30 minutes after the sun sets. Ending up with anywhere from 40-60 photos I figure out which photos I want to use for the final photo. I do my adjustments working in Lightroom and Photoshop, and then line them up in the order from day to night, left to right. My intention with the project is to show the light of day turning into the dark of night in one single photograph.