Adam Young - Scores
Alternative Pokemon Trainers - Kyle Olson
Some of your favorite video game characters re-imagined as Pokemon trainers. I used the same sprite size and color pallete as the trainers in Pokemon Black II, as well as making the pokemon themselves their actual size roughly based on their pokedex entries. I'm a huge fan of the series and always thought it would be a fun idea to see what sorts of pokemon characters from other series would choose.
Selfie Fables | What If Disney Stories Have instagram - Simona Bonafini
Black & White Pop Culture - Melissa Smith
‘ElementK2’ by Sand Castles via @thisissandapp
Fan artists have once again shown off their expertise online as One Piecebecomes their latest source of inspiration, with one such artist’s prowess in 3D modelling resulting in a uniquely conceived rendition of fan favorites Gold Roger and Ace… though sadly a One Piece game with this style seems unlikely.
The impressive interpretation by Chinese artist Zhong Zhengxiang, which required the use of Photoshop, Maya, ZBrush and Mudbox: