Selfie Fables | What If Disney Stories Have instagram - Simona Bonafini
Disney: A Feminist Approach - Nikita Gill
This project was created entirely as a non commercial, non profit venture to explore the concept of a feminist take on the Disney Princess. A little twist here, a little word there, and a change in character behaviour, whilst keeping the true essence of the character. Their underlying strengths are brought forward, their flaws too to show them as entirely relatable and entirely human. Here is a series of strong, independent women that may or may not have a Prince, but their true happily ever after is dictated by a sense of maturity and independence in handling their situation, thus proving that men and woman are equals. And a woman doesn't always have to be the distressed damsel. Sometimes, she can be the dragon.
Envisioning Disney Characters in "Real Life" - Jirka Väätäinen
Movie Poster Series - Isabel Westling