Question re: both Digimon and Mexico.
I think you’ve mentioned before that a young Mexican girl named Guadelupe would probably be called Lupita (or maybe some other nickname?) at a young age? My question is, at what age would she stop being Lupita and start being Guadelupe? Or is the nickname not necessarily age-related?
Its not necessarily an age-related nickname no!!
I have a cousin named Guadalupe and I don't think I've ever genuinely used her full name (except when being sarcastic or when I'd get mad at her as a kid lol)
If Anything her nickname might change from Lupita to Lupe!!
The suffix -ita/-ito in Spanish makes the subject into a diminutive version(making it chibi if you will LOL) it's mostly used to show admiration. Take Casita from Encanto. That was their "Little house" that they loved
(Spanish nicknames aren't always literal @/ it being called Little House when it was a Big house. A popular nickname yet kinda mean one you'll hear in almost every family is to call someone fat, when they're actually fairly skinny for example)
When you eventually get to her being older she wouldn't technically be "Little Guadalupe" anymore. The nickname change, if it happens, would be different from acquaintances rather than people closest to her. It'd also probably happen around her being married/having children to be respectful towards this being a grown woman
BUT AGAIN!! Age isn't a factor, my cousin is both married, has a baby, and I'm the babies Godmother and she will always be Lupita to me