Cool guy who I agree with in bith politivs and writing, and would be cool to hang with
Thank you! You're invited to drink mate any time
@elbiotipo /
Cool guy who I agree with in bith politivs and writing, and would be cool to hang with
Thank you! You're invited to drink mate any time
historical fiction is such a funny genre like dammit i spoiled the ending of les mis for myself by reading the wikipedia page for the paris uprising of 1832
and yet it’s such a tragic genre for this same reason. like you want to believe that they can make it! you want to believe they can take the future in their hands and make it whatever they dream it could be. but what happens to them was always there, set down in the ledger of the wikipedia page for the paris uprising of 1832
Bugs became way cooler to me when I realized they're basically tiny biological robots. He ain't botherin nobody his prime directive is just [SEEK NUTRIENT]
i should be able to put a USB stick in any bug and open it's mod folder.
This is real. Every C. elegans nematode has exactly 302 neurons and 95 muscle cells, all of which have been precisely mapped and studied. OpenWorm is an open-source project to fully simulate a living virtual nematode. Presumably the next step is to add mod support.
I'm working on some worldbuilding posts right now. I would appreciate some suggestions and asks about topics you would like me to cover!
Que temas argentinos y latinoamericanos tienen onda a City Pop?
Ojalá pudiera dibujar a los pibes de Evangelion onda Argentina-post-2001-core. Shinji escuchando Callejeros con una remera de los Rolling Stones. Asuka cumbiera pero así re top. Rei con uniforme de escuela católica, porque Gendo no la deja ser emo. Kaworu flogger, pero bien bien flogger. Misato en el Bailando.
Todos se juntan en las ruinas inundadas de Buenos Aires a fumar y discutir de música y escapar de sus viejos que están mirando el Bailando. Los Evas están todos hechos mierda por falta de presupuesto, apenas arrancan.
el segundo impacto fue De La Rúa yendosé en helicóptero
i bring a "they shouldnt have that wild animal in their house" sort of vibe to the conversation that enjoyers of cute animal videos dont really like
todos los días que me despierto en el gobierno anarco-colonialista de Milei y me entero que venden otro derecho más
Look I'm gonna be honest. Most of those things aren't untrue. But ultimately none of these things are the reason why so many anglos are monolingual.
The reason why I and so many other foreigners speak your language while you don't speak anyone else's is not because we start learning English earlier in life, or because we have better language education (most of us don't lol) or because there's a negative perception of foreign language learning in anglophone countries.
The reason is much simpler: It's because we have to, and you don't. That's all.
it's so fucked up you cant start working on your life at 3 am. when it most matters
I rarely bring this up because it feels like fairly silly and low-stakes compared to all the other effects of american imperialism, but one of the funniest things when Americans deny that living in the imperial core and the center of global cultural hegemony confers them any sort of privilege over people from the imperial periphery is that like. In order for this conversation where you tell me you have no privilege over me to even be able to take place one of us had to learn the other's language, and it wasn't you.
I think the fact that by default the onus of learning the other's language to enable communication is always put on the other side is a pretty significant privilege on the cultural front.
Someone commented this post with "So if I learned, say, Hawaiian and talked to a hawaiian person, then the hawaiian would be privileged? Come on, think about what you're writing, man" and then blocked me as soon as I tried to reply, so.
Monolingual anglophones are a deeply solipsistic people unable to think about international power dynamics on any level beyond the individual to comprehend that "one guy making the individual choice to learn your language" does not represent the same level of linguistic hegemony and privilege as "millions of people all over the world learning specifically your language because they're expected to be able to speak it as a near-universal requirement for any kind of upward mobility while learning a second language is never expected of you"
It's kinda funny that the letter C has like 10 different pronunciations in modern languages when the latins originally used it exclusively for the /k/ phoneme. Which meant that they never ever used the letter K
I have no idea what you're talking about but I agree and you can tell me more.
I've been thinking about it for a bit (and it's probably obvious) but did you notice the giant frog and the tentacles are basically clown fish and anemones? I only realized once someone pointed out to me that the giant frogs have clown fish colors.
And then I realized the tentacles are also classified as "anthozoa" in the AB which is the the class anemones are a part of
The comment about nematocysts is also how it works for anemones, Kui draws a pretty cool graph of how it works too (a little different real ones but conveys the idea well)
I just always thought that was a pretty cool detail that I missed for a while! It's very cool how inspired by real animals Ryoko Kui's monsters are, I'm always amazed by how much sense they make.