No Pink Ponies updated, but it's really just an ad to tell people about the Kickstarter. This "ad" will be up for a week (though I'll be drawing new strips and the Kickstarter backers will be getting sneak previews of said strips... and no, I'm not holding the strips hostage, I figure this is one way to reward the backers for now kinda deal... the strips will be up on the site after one week)
Marry Me updated! Check it out:
And Rumble Fall is weird to Shazlin, it all works!
Maureen enlightens Jess over what she already knows in the latest No Pink Ponies update.
And the hand she was dealt with is nothing compared to the hand she's about to get.
Rumble Fall updated with rejection of intimacy!
Bliss is meeting people you know... even if they hate you.
Why is Mel laughing so hard? Click the link to find out!
It does make sense... or does it?!
No Pink Ponies updated! Are they really ready to move forward? Drop a line, tell us what you think.
Fight over! But can Shazlin find her way back?