You dun goofed now!
No need to jump to conclusions, let’s just cautiously investigate the rustling bushes. It’s the same investigative instinct that lead to you smearing slime on your face, getting electrocuted, and making a turret friend... It hasn’t steered you wrong so far. You think.
Peeling away some loose brush you see, a rather noodly little critter, with thin translucent membranes stretched down either side of its body. You’d maybe put it at 6 feet long, though a scant 2 feet tall. It seems perched over a pile of various things.
Something Dividi seems to have taken notice of. Good for them trying to translate. Is this thing safe? Does it have or want something?
Reblogging the update again. Small. But has a small critter. Trying to adjust to a new ... Non-Summer pandemic schedule. And may seek to post Colony Corps around more.