Now I know what sort of man I am. I'm lucky.
Now I know what sort of man I am. I'm lucky.
We were always heading for this.
1.13 | 4.13
for @whywhatswrongwithblue 🖤
4.13 | 13.09
DOCTOR WHO | Journey's End
Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.
When I last stood on this beach — on the worst day of my life — what was the last thing you said to me? Go on, say it. I said Rose Tyler. Yeah and? How was that sentence gonna end? Does it need saying?
#Part of me wonders if TenToo keeps his attention focused on Rose instead of the vanishing TARDIS #because losing his ship is actually so very painful #That if he watches her vworp away forever #He just might shatter #So instead of focusing on what he’s losing #TenToo focuses on what he’s gained (via gallifreyburning)
The DoctorDonna & The Meta-Crisis Doctor The Human-Time Lord Hybrids (for thedoctordnna / thanks for voting in my url poll♡)
Graphic Giveaway 2015 | Tentoo for studio-forty-two
come with me // stay with me