Some people still ask us if trilobites are real. I am thinking of making a documentary with the whole process, from the quarry. But meanwhile here you have another video of the cleaning process of this spectacular Ceratarges.
@earthstory /
Some people still ask us if trilobites are real. I am thinking of making a documentary with the whole process, from the quarry. But meanwhile here you have another video of the cleaning process of this spectacular Ceratarges.
Took some family out to collec #trilobites yesterday. Had a very good day. Found over 100 complete or nearly complete bugs. If you want to go find some for yourself, check out @udigfossils they provide an awesome opportunity
images that precede unfortunate events
this is the ideal male form. you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like…
silly trilobite
jakiś czas temu miałam okazję pobrudzić się u
i polecam zdobnictwo u tego pana każdemu chcącemu się zdecydować na pierwszy albo kolejny tatuaż
bezboleśnie, profesjonalnie, super atmosfera i bardzo zróżnicowana muzyka 😆
bardzo się cieszę że wyrobiliśmy się przed tym całym koronacyrkiem i po jego zakończeniu napewno pojawię się kolejny raz 🤙🏻
Got this little cutie from Everything Dinosaur. My wife loves it. Of course she just loves trilobites.
Gorgeous detailed trilobite
✅Трилобит Walliserops Hammi
⌛️Возраст 370 млн лет (Палеозойская эра, Девонский период)
🗺Приехал в Россию из 🇲🇦Марокко
💵Стоимость 62.000₽
A tour of the trilobites at @amnhnyc for Trilobite Tuesday.
I haven't shown you my new pet yet! This is Clarence. He is from my home province of Manitoba.
👀 We’re unwrapping a shipment of gorgeous Moroccan trilobites today! Working on the listings and photography over the next 2 days. .
Heading out to a site in Utah where you can find all sorts of Cambrian aged trilobite fossils, and even dig for them yourself.
Turned my trilobite cross stitch into a little lavender satchel on a whim.
Stressed out trilobite This trilobite probably feels like an awful lot of us these days. It started off in its normal shape, discarded onto the ocean floor as the organism shed it. That little trilobite shell found its way into sediment and eventually became part of a rock. But then, something happened to that rock – it was put under stress, from the old sedimentary layer being pulled into a mountain building event. The stress was gentle enough that the rock didn’t break, but it was strong enough and lasted long enough that the rock started to gradually shift its shape. Our once normal looking trilobite began shearing and twisting under the strain, bending to the side and eventually taking the shape seen here.
I needed to Craft and didn't feel like sewing so I decided to embroider the Heterodyne sigil.
I didn't do it WELL but it kept my hands busy.
Zoning Out Doodle Time: Trilobites