Being this close to large marine mammals can be very over-WHALE-ming! Humpback whales are a common sight off of New York’s coast, and being able to see these animals up-close is a once in a lifetime experience. This video was captured several miles off of Shinnecock Inlet, Suffolk County, NY.
Like many other whales, humpbacks have baleen plates instead of teeth. The baleens can be seen clearly in this video, and they allow whales to capture various types of marine life, from small baitfish to even smaller zooplankton in one giant gulp.
While boating on the ocean if you see a whale in the distance, please remember to stay at least 100 feet away from the animal at all times. If a whale approaches you, please remember to idle your engine and not to re-engage power until the whale has cleared your path, as the individual in this video demonstrates. Attempting to leave the area may interrupt natural behaviors such as feeding, nursing, resting, and traveling, or could result in a vessel strike causing harm to the whale and/or boat. 🐋 🎥:
Source: instagram.com