Извержение вулкана Асо (Япония, остров Кюсю, 3 мая 2019).
Video by - Yu Kurihara.
ASO volcano eruption (Japan, Kyushu island, may 3, 2019).
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Mt. Aso is the active mountain as you can see the smoke from it.
煙(けむり)が 出(で)ているのが 見(み)える通(とお)り、 阿蘇山(あそさん)は活火山(かっかざん)です。
The big volcanic eruption happened 4 times between 270K years ago to 90K years ago, those one made this outer rim of the crater.
27万年(まんねん)前(まえ)から 9万年(まんねん)前(まえ)の 間(あいだ)に 4回(かい)の 大(おお)きな 火山(かざん)の 噴火(ふんか)が 起(お)こり、それらが この外輪山(がいりんざん)を 作(つく)りました。
Aso-City is in the caldera crater and you can drive on the outer rim of the crater.
阿蘇(あそ)市(し)は カルデラの中(なか)に あって、外輪山(がいりんざん)をドライブできます。
I didn’t know how beautiful that when the dried grass get sunshine,
私(わたし)は 太陽(たいよう)が 当(あ)たった時(とき)の 枯(か)れ草(くさ)の 美(うつく)しさを 知(し)りませんでした。
The early Summer times is also beautiful fresh green.
初夏(しょか)の 時期(じき)もまた 美(うつく)しい 新緑(しんりょく)です。
Remember - it’s not smoke coming from a volcano from fire burning, it’s ash - literally pieces of broken up rock, and usually steam to go with it.
Earlier this year, Japan's Mount Aso volcano erupted for the first time in 2 decades. Eruptions have continued at this volcano, with a possible steam explosion yesterday. This video captures the beginnings of this eruption - note both the pyroclastic material coming out of the sides at the early blast and the clouds of steam coming out later.