I really like unusual places, but also love when they are hidden in a very common and “unremarkable” locations.
@earthstory /
I really like unusual places, but also love when they are hidden in a very common and “unremarkable” locations.
Gorgeous video of a feeding sea cucumber.
(Translated): This is one of my favorite underwater inhabitants, the sea apple holothurian. What cosmic colors it is! Bright yellow, this legs. The same as in starfish and hedgehogs, with which the apple is related. Orange-white, it is a tentacle, with the help of them, this holothurian catches plankton and sends into its womb. Between the tentacles and the mouth. It eats into it! Remarkably, in the legs and tentacles there are no muscles, in echinoderms (which include the sea apple), all movements are carried out due to the pressure drop of the internal fluid. So the limbs of this creature are hydraulic !!!
Это- один из моих любимых подводных обитателей, голотурия "морское яблоко". Каких космических оно цветов! Ярко-желтые, это ножки. Такие же, как у морских звёзд и ежей, с которыми яблоко состоит в родстве. Оранжево-белые, это щупальца, при помощи них эта голотурия ловит планктон и отправляет в своё чрево. Между щупалец- рот. Оно в него ест!
Что примечательно, в ножках и щупальцах нет мышц, у иглокожих (к которым относится морское яблоко), все движения осуществляются за счёт перепада давления внутренней жидкости. Так что конечности у этого существа гидравлические!!!
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Музыка: Teebs - Autumn Antique
Aurora over Russia This image of the Aurora Borealis was taken from the International Space Station on April 12, 2014. The largest city in the view is Moscow. -JBB Image credit: ISS/NASA
Ice flows through Moscow at Sunset
Plesiosaur from Moscow Paleontology museum :) It’s my photo, get acquainted, I work here! Скелет плезиозавра из Палеонтологического музея в Москве :) знакомьтесь, это мое место работы!
Mica Window
These Russian windows are over 200 years old. Rather than being made of glass, they are instead lined with sheets of muscovite, a mica minera. Mica minerals form large, flat sheets due to their atomic structure. Strong silicon-oxygen bonds extend outwards in two directions while the third direction only has weak bonds with large, low charge atoms in the space.
These mica sheets can grow extremely wide, and can be peeled off with ease. Mineralogy labs are often covered with flakes of them gradually removed by students over the years. In this case, a big enough book of mica sheets was carefully peeled apart to create what would become windowpanes.
If thick enough, the mica would be as strong as glass, somewhat transparent (depending on the exact content of various elements), and even more heat resistant than the glasses we typically use today. Before the development of modern glass making techniques, peeling and carving sheets of mica could have been a perfectly normal way of getting the basic properties of windows today.
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Mammoth mummy Yuka lived some 39,000 years ago in what is now Siberia, dying young around age 7-9 before being frozen in the permafrost near the present Leptev Sea coast. Many millennia later she was found and is one of the best preserved mammoths mummies to date, including the only near intact brain found so far. She is currently residing in Moscow, where she was recently on display. Researchers used medical CT and MRI scanners to look within, being able to study and compare the cerebral configuration with that of surviving species of elephantidae. The whole order is noted for intelligence, complex communication and social organisation including things like tribal memory (as the matriarch remembering the water sources on a particularly dry year in Botswana's Okevango delta in a David Attenborough film testified) and mourning their dead. When they opened the skull they even found preserved soft tissue, including the dura mater, the protective membrane that shields the brain and spinal fluid from shocks. The brain structure was similar to modern relatives, implying that the animals that Neanderthal and Cro Magnon interacted with (and drew on cave walls, sometimes preserving details that remained unconfirmed until the first permafrost specimens appeared) probably also exhibited similar complex behaviour to modern elephants. Loz Image credit: Anastasia Kharlamova
Aurora over Russia This image of the Aurora Borealis was taken from the International Space Station on April 12, 2014. The largest city in the view is Moscow. -JBB Image credit: ISS/NASA