Oh. My. God. It’s Japanese press materials for the movie Volcano.
I just checked, they do not currently own that website any more.
@earthstory / earthstory.tumblr.com
Oh. My. God. It’s Japanese press materials for the movie Volcano.
I just checked, they do not currently own that website any more.
Mt. Aso is the active mountain as you can see the smoke from it.
煙(けむり)が 出(で)ているのが 見(み)える通(とお)り、 阿蘇山(あそさん)は活火山(かっかざん)です。
The big volcanic eruption happened 4 times between 270K years ago to 90K years ago, those one made this outer rim of the crater.
27万年(まんねん)前(まえ)から 9万年(まんねん)前(まえ)の 間(あいだ)に 4回(かい)の 大(おお)きな 火山(かざん)の 噴火(ふんか)が 起(お)こり、それらが この外輪山(がいりんざん)を 作(つく)りました。
Aso-City is in the caldera crater and you can drive on the outer rim of the crater.
阿蘇(あそ)市(し)は カルデラの中(なか)に あって、外輪山(がいりんざん)をドライブできます。
I didn’t know how beautiful that when the dried grass get sunshine,
私(わたし)は 太陽(たいよう)が 当(あ)たった時(とき)の 枯(か)れ草(くさ)の 美(うつく)しさを 知(し)りませんでした。
The early Summer times is also beautiful fresh green.
初夏(しょか)の 時期(じき)もまた 美(うつく)しい 新緑(しんりょく)です。
Remember - it’s not smoke coming from a volcano from fire burning, it’s ash - literally pieces of broken up rock, and usually steam to go with it.
This video is titled “Launching flowers into space”. It is exactly what it promises.
Siberian mammoth goes on display in Japan
This 39,000 year old baby female, named Yuki, was found with blood still in her veins, frozen in the permafrost on a Siberian island. It is the first successful extraction of blood from an extinct animal. A team of Russian and Japanese scientists is hoping to clone one sometime in the future.
Image credit: Kazuhiro Nogi/AFP http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/rare-39-000-year-old-woolly-mammoth-display-japan-article-1.1395453
2 hours ago this video was posted showing the beginnings of an eruption at Japan’s Kuchinoerabujima volcano. You can see pyroclastic surge and flow deposits shoot off the side of the eruption column as it rises. This volcano is on a small island with a population of just over 100 people. The volcano has been producing earthquake swarms over recent months, causing warning levels to be increased. The Japanese Meteorological Association has issued a “level 5″ warning saying “evacuate” the area around this volcano.