Took me until about halfway through college before I realized “study” means “play with the material in a variety of ways until you understand it” and not just “read the assigned chapters and do the homework” and I think that probably should have been discussed at some point prior to that.
im very uncomfortable with this new ‘study’ that says all women are a little bit gay and I can’t put my finger on why. science side of tumblr pls explain
- The study was conducted by Dr. Gerulf Rieger also known as that guy who did the 2005 study that “concluded” that bisexual men do not exist (and has since been debunked).
- Rieger was a protege of noted transphobe J.Michael Bailey so basically he’s a massive asshat all around
- The study completely equates “arousal” to “orientation” bc kind of porn someone gets turned on by are tooootally equates to the people you want to date and build a life with [/sarcasm]
- Doesn’t account for genital nonconcordance (which basically means that there’s a huge disparity, especially in women, between physiological genital arousal and psychological arousal)
- Basically physical response (“arousal”) =/= attraction while this crap study treats them as one and the same
What a shock. When you tell kids they matter, they will start to believe it.
Leonardo da Vinci (via purplebuddhaproject)
A new survey of black, white and Latino youth in the US on LGBT activism has shown a sharp divide over the prioritising of different LGBT issues between racial groups.
It's because stuff like that (AIDS, discrimination, etc.) is actually more important than marriage equality because they're basic needs rather than things only certain elites would want. A queer youth of color, especially if they're poor, probably isn't thinking about getting married any time soon. Rather, they're wanting to be able to survive and be treated decently and fairly. (This isn't to say that marriage equality isn't also important)
Police officers, security guards, or self-appointed vigilantes extrajudicially killed at least 313 African-Americans in 2012 according to a recent study. This means a black person was killed by a security officer every 28 hours. The report notes that it’s possible that the real number could be much higher.
The report, entitled “Operation Ghetto Storm”, was performed by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, an antiracist grassroots activist organization. The organization has chapters in Atlanta, Detroit, Fort Worth-Dallas, Jackson, New Orleans, New York City, Oakland, and Washington, D.C. It has a history of organizing campaigns against police brutality and state repression in black and brown communities. Their study’s sources included police and media reports along with other publicly available information. Last year, the organization published a similar study showing that a black person is killed by security forces every 36 hours. However, this study did not tell the whole story, as it only looked at shootings from January to June 2012. Their latest study is an update of this.
These killings come on top of other forms of oppression black people face. Mass incarceration ofnonwhites is one of them. While African-Americans constitute 13.1% of the nation’s population, they make up nearly 40% of the prison population. Even though African-Americans use or sell drugs about the same rate as whites, they are 2.8 to 5.5 times more likely to be arrested for drugs than whites. Black offenders also receive longer sentences compared to whites. Most offenders are in prison for nonviolent drug offenses.
"Operation Ghetto Storm" explains why such killings occur so often. Current practices of institutional racism have roots in the enslavement of black Africans, whose labor was exploited to build the American capitalist economy, and the genocide of Native Americans. The report points out that in order to maintain the systems of racism, colonialism, and capitalist exploitation, the United States maintains a network of "repressive enforcement structures". These structures include the police, FBI, Homeland Security, CIA, Secret Service, prisons, and private security companies, along with mass surveillance and mass incarceration.
“Repeat Rape: How do they get away with it?”, Part 2 of 2. (link to Part 1)
- College Men: Repeat Rape and Multiple Offending Among Undetected Rapists,Lisak and Miller, 2002 [PDF, 12 pages]
- Navy Men: Lisak and Miller’s results were essentially duplicated in an even larger study (2,925 men): Reports of Rape Reperpetration by Newly Enlisted Male Navy Personnel, McWhorter, 2009 [PDF, 16 pages]
By dark-side-of-the-room, who writes:
These infogifs are provided RIGHTS-FREE for noncommercial purposes. Repost them anywhere. In fact, repost them EVERYWHERE. No need to credit. Link to the L&M study if possible.
Knowledge is a seed; sow it.
EDITED TO ADD: Oh my wow, this has gotten hundreds of reblogs in a day. (And part 1 has hit 13,000+ notes in one day.) So I’m editing this to add a direct link to the Predator Alert Tool for OkCupid, a browser tool that visually red-flags the profiles of people who have answered “yes” to the questions in the studies cited above and some infamous others:
“Repeat Rape: How do they get away with it?”, Part 1 of 2. (link to Part 2)
- College Men: Repeat Rape and Multiple Offending Among Undetected Rapists,Lisak and Miller, 2002 [PDF, 12 pages]
- Navy Men: Lisak and Miller’s results were essentially duplicated in an even larger study (2,925 men): Reports of Rape Reperpetration by Newly Enlisted Male Navy Personnel, McWhorter, 2009 [PDF, 16 pages]
By dark-side-of-the-room, who writes:
These infogifs are provided RIGHTS-FREE for noncommercial purposes. Repost them anywhere. In fact, repost them EVERYWHERE. No need to credit. Link to the L&M study if possible.
Knowledge is a seed; sow it.
Reblogging because I mentioned this study in a post the other day and someone reblogged & replied insinuating that I’d made it up, but I didn’t have the citation on hand right then. As I said then: rape culture is what teaches rapists that they aren’t rapists.
^ bolded for emphasis