dystopiance reblogged
Getting high off the idea of ‘saving The Other’ isn’t the same as ‘being down for the cause’. What if we don’t feel the need to include you in our ‘us’? Would you still talk about the necessity for safe spaces if our safety means that your invitations are limited? And when you are invited we might need you to listen… to have a seat and be still. To not hit on the men or flirt with the ladies. To not promote your business and/or self.
And maybe our cause doesn’t need you as a guest speaker, host, feature poet, panelist or ambassador. What if the fact that you speak our language doesn’t mean that you’re part of our narrative? Do you feel excluded if we tell you we find our issues to be enough, whole… complete without having to treat them as part of a bigger picture that only offers more space for portraits of people who look like you?
Would you ever contribute to our visibility by being invisible?
@Lazeefuik (via esmion)
(via strugglingtobeheard)