“The violence of the American state takes the lives of so many people consistently, Its heartbreaking. Whether it's from a bullet to the body, a bomb dropped over seas, the lack of care or the wrongful conviction of innocent people, we have a system that needs to be overturned. It does not respect the inherent dignity and sanity of life. When I was 13, I believe, my cousin Junie was sentenced to life in prison. I remember the night he came to my home afraid of what he knew was coming, I remember the dark hall way/entrance he stood in as I was told to take my little brothers, sister and cousin upstairs into our room. That was that last time I remember seeing my older cousin Junie. Evidence, just recently, has now surface that he was wrongly convicted. He, Junie has spent the last 14 years of his life on earth in prison, human cage for a crime he did not commit! It shakes me at my core knowing I live in a country the cares so little about Human life, my life. His son. Junie wasn't able to be in his sons life. My father's sister, my aunt is raising money for his legal fund. please support if you can. Either way my family, seven generation back and seven generation forward shall be free physically mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I believe in my prayer and in the hope for a better world.“ PLEASE REBLOG. FOREVER. PLEASE SUPPORT. We can’t say how many people are incarcerated for fraudulent evidence, racist individuals, kkorupt kops and criminal injustice poverty trap systems... but we do have the opportunity to help this person and their family!
gamma-ray-invasion replied to your post: Honestly if that’s how sick I feel when confronted...
I greatly admire how much you know about this stuff.
oh thx, i don't really 'know' much i just share my ideas and feelings, i don't think we need to be that well read in the 'experts' of theory to have our ideas qualified, to be critical of hierarchy and distrusting of authority and coercion. i really appreciate your blog too :)
terrestrial replied to your post: When other people are condescended at I almost...
you are the best i like you
what. i like you too, and if i ever trek it to washington i'd love to visit you
dystopiance reblogged
Montreal. Blogging with permission of my friend Sam.
seriously, sabotage the academy!