The term "transabled" was coined in 2004 by a BIID activist Sean O'Connor. This is a reference from 2008 that talks about it.
Sean O'Connor was a co founder of a site BIID Info and also invested heavily in general disabled people's rights activism:
You cannot separate transability from BIID and from disability, no matter how much you want to. You can't say transabled people are bad, but people with BIID are okay, this is shared history.
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This is a reference from 2008 that talks about it.]
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BIID Info]
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"He has been a dedicated disability rights activist for over eight years and at one point served in a management role in one of the largest Centers for Independent Living in the United States. The dedication and passion that O'Connor has for promoting equality for disabled people—demonstrated by his work in one of the main pillars of the disability community—challenges a common belief about transabled people: that they desire acquisition of disability to procure some of the negative aspects of the social identity of disability, namely pity and coddling attention, without recognition of the positive side of disability culture and politics."]
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