Bodily autonomy includes the right to end your own life, to harm your body, and to do drugs. It is nobodys right to tell me what i can and cannot do with my body. If you dont like the fact that i cut myself as a coping mechanism thats fine! But whwn you start telling me i need to be locked up because of this until i stop THATS FUCKED UP. Same with suicide. People make you feel GUILTY for being in so much pain you want to die. They will gaslight you into a psych jail instead of helping you and when you complain about your lack of rights and dignity it was "for your own good"
If you want bodily autonomy you have to accept that some of us will hurt ourselves and you cant/shouldnt do anything about it if your only plan is to lock us up until you can convince us to stop.
Two girls in the psych ward, one who gave me a tip on self harm, and another who helped me to self harm with her stronger nails when I couldn't give myself enough pain and had no access to any tools that could help because it was almost night and we weren't allowed to bring anything into the rooms, have helped me more than any psych in my life ever did.