I fucking hate internet funnyman “leftist” meme sites run by people who’ve never raised a finger to help people with housing insecurity that occasionally just say with their full chest that they don’t think elderly people should have constitutional rights. Elderly people are a notoriously vulnerable group for housing insecurity and acting like they’re all Mitch Mcconnell in disguise to justify advocating cruetly to them is no excuse
"Old people shouldnt get a vote bc its 'not their future'" is one of the voting takes I hate the most.
Not to mention, and don't misunderstand me here this is wrong no matter what age this is referring to, a lot of these people define "pretty much dead" as being like over 60.
YEP YEP YEP YEP YEP I FUCKING HATE THAT TOO. Especially heinous is that the elderly (which as you rightly pointed out some people think is like 60 years old) should forsake their present for other people’s future when republicans have been steadily destroying social services many seniors rely on for years
Not to mention that the unhoused population is aging significantly (due in part to aforementioned destruction of social services). According to researchers at ucsf, the percentage of unhoused adults, single adults without kids was 11% in 1990 and ~50% today. to make this headline about housing specifically is pretty gross. source
I work with the truly old. My patients are almost exclusively seventy and above. Most are eighties and above.
We see so many people hospitalized for malnutrition. We see so many people who are 70+ and either homeless in the most expected sense—living in streets and the woods, while pieces of their body rot away on them because they can’t afford medications they need—and those who are forced to stay in horrific living situations because they have no other options.
The impoverished elderly are one of THE most vulnerable groups because they tend to have very few people they can rely on in any way and they tend to be multiply disabled.
What does a homeless eighty year old do when they have a stroke? What does a homeless eighty year old do when they break a hip? When they develop a UTI because they don’t have access to enough water and sanitary ways to clean themselves, causing weakness and an altered mental state?
Often times, they die. They die miserable, horrible, preventable deaths. Those who live often never go back to the same level of independence they had before, cutting years off their life. Because what does a homeless person do after returning to a homeless life when they’ve had that stroke and they’ve been medically cleared?
So. You hate old people or whatever? Sorry you don’t like that rude guy in the checkout line and hate your aunt. These are real people who are incredibly vulnerable and nobody cares about.