Katara pulled the red cape over herself like a blanket and got as close to Aang as she could, so she wouldn’t fall over the narrow edge of the bed he’d left her, in case she turned around through her sleep. But it had to do. She let her hand run down his cheek one last time before she rested it above his heart. He was back. After weeks of care and observing him breathe and lie completely still, he was finally awake and moving about. She still couldn’t believe it. Katara thanked the spirits for bringing him back to her, to all of them, to the rest of the world. She didn’t know how much longer they.. Correction, how much longer she would’ve survived without him. As the corners of her eyes became misty, she no longer had to hold back her emotions. She wept silently, without him or anyone else seeing or hearing. The only proof being the small damp spot on the pillow, where her teardrops ended up by rolling down the side of her cheek or dripping over the crook of her nose… (cont.)
I did a quick drawing of my favourite scene from “Awakening and healing”, my latest fanfic (please read it, it’s full of tender moments like this one). 🥺 💞
I really should do more drawings like this one, since I find that when I sketch and colour things in the heat of the moment and my perfectionism doesn’t get in the way (i.e. I don’t take like 3-4 hours to draw neat lineart or proper shadows), the end result looks a whole lot better and much less.. forced, I’d say. I often like these pieces more than the ones I’ve spent countless hours working on.
I’d like to dedicate this one to @thecaroliner, because she was tired of crying a little while ago (2 Tuesdays, to be exact, I can probably imagine why) and I took a note in capital letters:
So I wouldn’t forget and do this asap when I was in the right mood (because I knew I wanted to illustrate this bittersweet moment, where Katara isn’t afraid to show her vulnerable side after everything they’d been through). But I had to finish another beautiful masterpiece for a competition before I could do that, so I finally got around to drawing it this weekend. Well.. I hope you all like it.