The first image is Fonda Espana in Barcelona; 2nd image is Mermaid’s Room ~ 1899; third image is this same painting in the dining room at Hotel España ~ Ramon Casas i Carbó (Italian artist, 1866–1932)
Kyôkichi Tanaka, Shitsudai (失 題) , Melancholy, 1914
Audrey Wollen via Lauren Spencer King
This high art is completely indistinguishable from a quality shitpost and I cannot quite describe the sheer existiential satisfaction and calm I am feeling right now
Kiss - Favén Antti, 1926
Pen and pencil drawing, white guash effects , 17 x 15,2 cm.
East Friendship - Pencil on white paper
In the middle distance, on the low ledges of a flat blueberry country, is the abandoned old meeting house, an echoing emptiness of sky and distance around it.
Andrew Wyeth - 1953
Yokoyama Seiki (1792-1864)
you go on | a comic
peeks of Petra
Nan Goldin - Fatima candles, Portugal (1998)
We will conquer this wilderness. It will not consume us.
Eva and Alida Stewart. Harriett Tubman’s great nieces circa 1910
Leon Spilliaert - Le Nuage, 1902
Here is a picture of Jeffery Combs dressed at Herbert West, playing cards. That is all.