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@dromaeo-sauridae /

michael, droma or roach | adult | hollow knight/general bug blog is @traitor-lord | specbio/oc blog is @heartofpromethea
instagram: dromaeo-sauridae bluesky: (ask)


aka: my old promethea "intro" post was kind of bugging me, so im making a new one.

promethea is the name of my story/speculative biology project. the story is divided into 4 parts, a prologue and 3 acts. this post will be an overview of the prologue, as well as the introduction to promethea as a whole.

promethea starts with 3 gods: daksari tamman, cadaver, and cinder. daksari and cadaver are the original 2, they have been there since the beginning of time. cinder is daksari's daughter, one of many. all gods are born with the power of creation and free range over the universe to do with it as they please. cinder created a gas giant, ouranos, and abandoned it.

billions of years later, though, she returned to find that not only did ouranos had moons, but one contained life. lonely and curious, she decided to stick around, eventually copying someone else's homework and creating humans to live on it. for a while cinder and her creations existed like this together.

until daksari found out.

all gods are born with the power of creation and free range over the universe to do with it as they please... almost. gods are not supposed to interact with their creations. in daksari's eyes, it's demeaning. you can play with your toys, but they aren't your friends. it's weird, it's embarrassing. cinder knew this and disobeyed anyway. for her punishment she was locked beneath the surface of cassandra, forever. never to speak again.

when i get to writing acts 1-3, they'll be linked down here :)

Eutelic organisms have a fixed number of somatic cells when they reach maturity, the exact number being relatively constant for any one species.

Cons: No regeneration. Ever. Your injuries do not heal. If you lose a single cell, it's lost forever.

Pro: Also no cancer, ever. It's literally impossible for your cells to go cancerous.

Cons: As consequence of the cons above, this is only practical if you are less than a millimeter long and live a few days at most. (Watch here a nematode for its whole lifecycle, from hatching to death by old age, over 8 days.) If you are any larger or complex than that, your inability to heal injuries means you will be quickly ground into dust by everyday activity.

Bigger pro: Since you have a fixed number of cell, which is constant by species and sex, and which always develop from the zygote through the same pathway, it's possible to make an exhaustive list and family tree of every single cell in your body.

Behold Worm Atlas.

This is the sum total of everything we know about the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, spirit animal of developmental biologists.

Here is the full list of all the cells in its body (and here they are divided by type). Exactly 1033 in males and 959 in hermaphrodites (for some reason this species has males and hermaphrodites but not full females). For comparison, a human body contains several trillion cells.

And here is the complete genealogy of all those cells over the ~8 hours of embryonal development, starting from the egg cell.

And here is a map of how the 304 neurons of the Worm are wired together.

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