I watched Like For Likes again.
I cried again at Suho’s story line.
Kang Haneul re-cemented his place as a respected actor for me.
I love everyone else in it too.
I went to see if there are gifs or pics or graphics or anything on Tumblr … there is a void where this movie should be.
Go watch it please. I need someone to talk to about how good of a multi-plot line ensemble rom-com it is.
Tumblr needs a “save for later” function so I can create a list of todos based on suggestions from people I think have great taste
Hey @triangularlily & @kpopgerapitico, remember that time you guys tried to teach me how to use tags for good? I obviously failed because when we then watched this movie I had absolutely no recollection of how it ended up on my mydramalist.com account until this showed up on my feed again.
On the bright side we did watch and it was so good, so holla at Sam the amazing recommender. Bonus shout out to @rocknghorss who is such a good squeal-at-aww-together buddy.