#wealthy pay higher taxes – @dragoni on Tumblr



"Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie", Miyamoto Musashi

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is not minimum or living wage. Each solves a different problem.

"As we get more specialized, the rich will get richer," he continued. "The question is: 'How do you take care of a guy who is a wonderful citizen whose father died in Normandy and just doesn't have market skills?' I think the income tax credit is the best way to address that."
"That probably means more taxes for guys like me, and I'm fine with it," he said.

Learn more

  • Earned Income Tax Credit Is a Cheap Way to Beat Poverty, Bloomberg
  • The minimum wage versus the earned income tax credit for reducing poverty,  IZA World of Labor
  • A False Choice: Earned Income Tax Credit or Minimum Wage Increase, Huffington Post
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