| Annalee Newitz (via stoweboyd)
dragoni reblogged
Friendship is the smallest measurable unit of political resistance.
dragoni reblogged
I am built from every mistake I have ever made.
dragoni reblogged
A student said to his master:
“You teach me fighting, but you talk about peace. How do you reconcile the two?”
The master replied:
“it is better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war.”
🙇 👊 ⚔️
dragoni reblogged
dragoni reblogged
dragoni reblogged
dragoni reblogged
There are more bystanders than heroes in times of oppression.
| Roger Cohen, Nelson Mandela’s Stolen Spoon (via stoweboyd)
dragoni reblogged
Stop bringing children into this world if you are not prepared for them to not be exactly what you want them to be.
This is a well substantiated fact in developmental psychology. Doom them with that “old time religion”.
dragoni reblogged
“Warriors confront the evil that most people refuse to acknowledge.” ~ Bohdi Sanders
dragoni reblogged
Source: weheartit.com
dragoni reblogged
“If you can design one thing, you can design everything”
Massimo Vignelli (via gregmelander)
dragoni reblogged
♥ so true
dragoni reblogged
Good UX design is about the quality with which people can complete their tasks
uxaxioms (via gregmelander)
dragoni reblogged
What is your minimal viable product? What are the core set of features that enable your value proposition? Only make those.