June 11, 2018 is “a date which WILL live in infamy”!
This is why voting matters. RESIST. Register to VOTE. VOTE. Repeal and Replace Republicans in 2018 and 2020. #VoteDemocrat
The rules that were repealed
BLOCKING Internet service providers could not discriminate against any lawful content by blocking websites or apps. #InternetCensorship #FreeSpeech
THROTTLING Service providers could not slow the transmission of data because of the nature of the content, as long as it was legal. #PayToPlay
PAID PRIORITIZATION Service providers could not create an internet fast lane for companies and consumers who paid premiums, and a slow lane for those who didn’t. #FastLanes
Net Neutrality was based on “hypothetical harms and hysterical prophecies of doom.”, Ajit Pai, F.C.C. chairman
If it’s only “hypothetical” what could go wrong?
FACT: FCC chairman, Ajit Pai created a promotional video to Kill Net Neutrality with The Daily Caller. The woman smoking is Martina Markota, a producer who pushed the Hillary 'Pizzagate' conspiracy created by White Supremacists!