The consequences of Corporate Farming.
Guess who received the majority of the money from Trump’s $79 BILLION farmer bailout from 2018 to 2020? #TrumpTradeWar
Most legal definitions of corporate farming in the United States pertain to tax laws,[2] anti–corporate farming laws,[3] and census data collection.[4]
— Wikipedia
Something not mentioned, in some cases “Big Ag” has been swallowing up the food ecosystem including grocery chains. #Monopoly
Since the 1980s, researchers found control over the land has become far more concentrated both directly through ownership and indirectly through contract farming, which results in more destructive monocultures and fewer carefully tended smallholdings.
Taking the rising value of property and the growth of landless populations into account for the first time, the report calculates land inequality is 41% higher than previously believed.
“In the past, these instruments were only of concern to the markets. They didn’t affect us individually. But now they touch every aspect of our lives because they are linked to the environmental crisis and the pandemic,” said Ward Anseeuw, senior technical specialist at the International Land Coalition, which led the research along with a group of partners including Oxfam and the World Inequality Lab.
Asia and Africa have the highest levels of smallholdings, where human input tends to be higher than chemical and mechanical factors, and where time frames are more likely to be for generations rather than 10-year investment cycles. Worldwide, between 80% and 90% of farms are family or smallholder-owned. But they cover only a small and shrinking part of the land and commercial production.
Over the past four decades, the biggest shift from small to big was in the United States and Europe, where ownership is in fewer hands and even individual farmers work under strict contracts for retailers, trading conglomerates and investment funds.
“Smallholder farmers, family farmers, indigenous people and small communities are much more cautious with use of land. It’s not just about return on investment; it’s about culture, identity and leaving something for the next generation. They take much more care and in the long run, they produce more per unit area and destroy less.”, Ward Anseeuw, senior technical specialist at the International Land Coalition
Further Reading:
- Big Ag Is Sabotaging Progress on Climate Change, Wired
- How America’s food giants swallowed the family farms, The Guardian
- Trump Funnels Record Subsidies to Farmers Ahead of Election Day., NYTimes
- False Profits: Why farmers despise socialism but depend on taxpayer funded government handouts, The Milwaukee Independent
- Why farmers only get 7.8 cents of every dollar Americans spend on food, Washington Post