Based on the tax cuts, Republicans will fast-track and RAM it down American throats no matter what the majority wants.
GOP: Choice means Pay to Play #CronyCapitalism
According to an Associated Press review of seven of the country’s biggest telecom providers, ZERO were willing to “rule out the possibility” of establishing fast or slow lanes for various streams of content.
Three providers—Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile—declined to specifically say they would not block or censor content in the future.
Of course, trying to plumb these statements for actual commitments is a fool’s errand, since ISPs have
- a long history of lying
- throttling applications they claim consume too much bandwidth, or blocking competitors and things like BitTorrent.
While ISPs trying to force their users back into AOL-style walled gardens is probably not going to happen, consumers should be prepared for telecoms to renege on their promises of self-regulation as soon as it’s convenient.
“But hey, these guys didn’t run most of their competition out of the business by playing nice.”
Make Monopolies Great Again!