#homeland security advisory council – @dragoni on Tumblr



"Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie", Miyamoto Musashi

#VoteBlue in the midterms to hold Miller, Sessions, Nielsen, Scott Lloyd and Trump accountable, as well as, participants at DHS, HHS, ORR and DOJ.

“As an author of the Refugee Act of 1980, along with Senator Ted Kennedy, I believe the treatment of refugees by you and President Trump violates that law and our treaty obligations to refugees,” Eilzabeth Holtzman

The four former members ― Richard Danzig, Elizabeth Holtzman, David Marin and Matthew Olsen ― signed a resignation letter last week and gave it to Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen, the Washington Post reported. The letter blasts the Trump administration for its cruel treatment of families who have been separated at the border.

“We cannot tolerate association with the immigration policies of this administration, nor the illusion that we are consulted on these matters.”

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