@dorian-they-ao3 on Tumblr

Can I Interest You In Some MLM Ships?

@dorian-they-ao3 /

Dorian (he/they)
writer • 18+

"xyz DNI" blocking people is YOUR job, sorry. You cannot ask the world to simply move around you, you have to take control of your online experience or you will be fucking miserable forever. Most people don't read your bio/pinned/carrd before touching the posts that cross their dash anyways.

Also maybe worry less about if someone who likes something you hate clicks on your tumblr post. I promise it is not that fucking serious.

Also-also if you have this DNI because your friends/moots said or implied you have to otherwise you're somehow Bad and/or will be punished by them if you don't, that's kind of fucked and maybe you need less controlling friends.

I know you feel ethically helpless on this bitch of an earth but I promise you, telling people with certain fetishes or god forbid media interests not to interact with your posts is doing less than nothing to make the world any different, but it IS stressing you the fuck out to be worried about if the clicks you get on the internet are coming from someone who likes to imagine The Wrong Fictional Characters kissing.

For the love of god, shipping is not that fucking important. I promise you, whatever the fuck you think you know about someone based on what they ship can be determined by the shit they actually do in the real world about real things that actually happen.

Media consumption is not activism and fandom is not the battleground upon which Ethics And Morals will live or die. It is playing pretend. Please please please get some perspective


I draw porn but not any of that sick nasty perverted sicko misogynist fetish porn made by and for disgusting sicknasty pervert men my porn is so cute and wholesome and feminist and queer and liberated trust me it's not even porn it's erotica my erotica is a pure honest true expression of human passions and emotions and the pure chaste passions of feminist lesbian wombyns trust me you'll love it it's so liberating see for yourself *hands you a drawing of Snufkin sucking his own penis*


mutuals. c'mere. this is a checkpoint. i am checking in. i am wrapping you in a blanket and giving you a nice warm drink. also some pretty flowers. it will be ok.


makes me CRAZY how well atla illustrates all the different ways countries can be affected by colonization and imperialism…the air nomads wiped out in a relatively brief military campaign. the southern water tribe slowly worn down and violated over the course of decades. the northern water tribe completely isolating and turning to strict tradition in the face of a horrifying enemy. the decentralized earth kingdom being affected in varying ways, with some areas completely untouched but terrified that they’ll be next, some areas in an uneasy peace with the fire nation in exchange for economic domination, and some areas completely taken over. and just the ways that these kind of interplay…like the trauma katara and sokka have as people who live relatively safe from invasion, but with the threat of another raid always on the horizon, terrified that the next one will wipe them out for good, is completely different from the trauma aang has, as someone who lost everything and didnt witness the brutality, only its aftermath, and that’s completely different from the trauma that suki has, with kyoshi out of the war but constantly training in preparation for an invasion, and thats completely different from the trauma haru has, as an earthbender in an actively occupied village. and theres so much more too like theres all these complex and nuanced situations and none are objectively better or worse than the other but it shows exactly how many tools imperialism uses to demoralize and defeat those its directed against

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