Scavengers must have found the remains of somebody's bar-b-q, because Tristan came in with a rib bone. This time I was trying to get a relaxed "show me" of a precious found treasure, while a rude little sister attempted to maintain her impulse control.
Tristan tried to let me see it in his mouth, but I asked him to drop it so I could see better.
Tris put it down, but set it between his paws, which was entirely reasonable. Such the good boy.
Then he gave Gwyn the dirtiest suspicious look, like "okay I put it down so you can see, can you get the creatchur offa me now so I can munch in peace?"
So I left him happily munching outside to get bored with it (doesn't take long), and took Gwyn inside to have a crunchy treat of her own.