Yesterday Tristan had his first just-for-fun trip since we realized that he was getting terribly motion sick. We've worked on the accompanying car anxiety and done the "short low-stress trips" thing and had varying degrees of success with necessary trips like his pre-neuter/neuter surgery. (Stopping after a short time to let him get the misery under control seems to help the most. We're picking routes based on where we can safely pull over and leashwalk for a few minutes.)
For the first time yesterday, Tris was fairly perky the whole car trip; he even grr-barked at... something? at a stop sign. (Wind in the foliage? The stop sign? Passing cars? Don't know, glad he was alert and looking around instead of sick and shaking.)
Tris enjoyed seeing Molly the goldendoodle and trying to play with the young humans, and sniffing a whole yard and house full of new sniffs. We might get enthusiasm for Going in the Car out of him yet.
[Image Description: Yvaine and Tristan, two cocker spaniels, walk with noses down and sniffing along a mulched garden path with a garden hose across it. A larger white dog, Molly the goldendoodle, tries to get their attention by standing in the way. Don't worry Molly, they just need to do some sniffing first, then they'll play more.]