Retrieve over the high jump! I'm quite happy that Aayla has her open exercises down. She has been regularly getting 195+ in this class with no NQs for almost a year now. Gives me a lot more time to focus on her utility exercises.
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
how are you such a magnet for strays?? they seem to find you every few months
anon i literally asked myself that question when they were in the yard today. what kind of aura is my house emitting that these dogs keep finding me
When a dog ran, away from the people who were trying to entice him, across the grocery store parking lot, to TFaTB... and sat at him...
that's when we realized that we have "SUCKER" written across our foreheads in letters only animals can see. Sure, sometimes it's just because we're in an area with a lot of loose animals, but the things seek US out.
The sick racing pigeon came to OUR farm rather than the other three down our road. The loose dog (DIFFERENT dog) ran in the grocery store exit, saw me, and wouldn't leave me until I managed to get someone to find & bring his human. The neighbor's horses broke out into my yard so many times we offered to just keep (and rehome) them--they tore down their fences, folks, and went AROUND my fences, to end up standing loose in my front yard.
on our foreheads, neon, flashing, in letters only the critters can see
She wanted to be very close, today. (She’s in my legs.)