Retrieve over the high jump! I'm quite happy that Aayla has her open exercises down. She has been regularly getting 195+ in this class with no NQs for almost a year now. Gives me a lot more time to focus on her utility exercises.
We have a stay good enough for photos!
Aayla stand on stump for treats
Rebel stands on stump to scratch
Strike a pose sister
Takin time to pose with the flowers
It rained on our hike. One creature was happy, one was not.
Though they both did survive.
A wonderful hike with a creek the whole way that ended at a waterfall!
I just wanted a cute photo of them together...
Some more...
I feel like both of these could be album covers.
When's their album coming out?
I interrupt your scrolling for some morning joy. I was crying because I was laughing so much. Aayla kept ramming the tunnel into the wall so she could get the little ball that hangs from the cat tunnel.
Adapt. Improvise. Overcome (with laughter).
Here is Aayla now done with the puppy. She wanted to be left alone the rest of the night. Yet was really good about body language, appropriate corrections and letting me step in to manage the situation when she needed.
Aayla got tired and tried to lay down but Addy kept pestering her.
I let Aayla give her correction before getting my moms attention and we both stepped in and separated the dogs so Aayla could have a break.