Fhehejs LOVE
This is not a contest and I am still losing
Each combination I try just gets worse
@doomspaniels / doomspaniels.tumblr.com
Fhehejs LOVE
This is not a contest and I am still losing
Each combination I try just gets worse
fuck yeah do your url on neuralblender
I can get behind this
Two strong options here
Hey! Can I ask why you call them the DOOM spaniels?? Is it a reference? One of my favorite artists goes by DOOM but I know there’s also the cartoon character !
If you look directly into their eyes, you are DOOMed.
I took this picture the morning after Merlin came home in 2015, looked at the impact of the double pair of Spaniel Eyes, and said, "Oh, we are so doomed."
The experience continues. Different Spaniels, same DOOM.
Yvaine is all done playing. The puppy (my hand) should lie down for a nap.
[Video Description: Yvaine, a white and red cocker spaniel, lays on her side getting scritchies from a person’s hand. Yvaine sits up and starts licking the hand until it is still. I think there’s no sound.]
When she gets clipped, Yvaine goes from Peg to Lady.
My dog melted.
[Image Description: Yvaine, a white and red cocker spaniel, lays with her head on my knee. She looks very flat, possibly puddle-like.]
Somethin’ tells me Yv’s into somethin’ good (Somethin’ tells me Yv’s into somethin’) Good, oh yeah, somethin’ good
I love the way Yvaine pulls her nose back to closely examine whatever she’s chewing. Mostly it’s cardboard, but occasionally I don’t want to know.
(this should have been a rerun from May but I can’t find the original) (Yvie makes me laugh so much)
Rerun again, because in the past couple of days Yv and Tristan have done that pause-and-delightedly-contemplate thing while chewing found treasures. And it makes me grin.
A short story, in four parts:
1) Oh *yes* I would like that strawberry top. Oh yes please.
2) Mmmm, that was tasty.
3) Is there any more? Darn.
4) Can I have a treat please?
You can see the precise moment at which the previous tasty treat fades from her short-attention-spaniel consciousness. Nope, it’s gone. She’s starving and no one has fed her in weeks.
Every day, a couple of times a day, I get to say the magic words that just make the Spaniels’ whole month: “Wanna go see the ponies?” Then they come out with me to “help” feed the Big Doggies. So helpful.
They go out on Sniff Patrol first thing in the morning, but somehow “go see the ponies” is even more exciting and more fun. You can see Yvaine’s charming chirps and adorable excited spins, while Merlin just wants to get ON with it.
So happy. The world is a wonderful place to be a probably-cocker-spaniel.
I've been ridicusick and I am getting low on new photos. But at least I still get to make Yvaine's *month* a few times a day, even if I feel too rotten to get the camera out. So happy. She can make me smile even when I can barely breathe.
Oh, Merlin, buddy, we still miss you so much.
@marloandmav-adventurers wrote for Merlin. Thank you. ~~
It’s hard to tell where or when it all first started But the story here started in 2015 With a family and a dog and a farm It was scary at first but It was warm and wonderful to be so loved.
The story got better (as stories often do) With things to smell and soft spots to nap on Friends with two legs and four All of whom doted upon Merlin It’s warm and wonderful to be so loved.
The humans, they needed Merlin To follow them around Yvaine, she needed Merlin As a partner in crime His place in this home is very clear (His place is on top of anything soft) It’s warm and wonderful to be so loved.
Stories end, of course But they don’t disappear In the telling and remembering and laughing and retelling Wherever he is, Merlin knows How dear he was to his family and that It’s warm and wonderful to have been so loved.
[Video Description: Merlin wags and barks, bouncing up as he barks because he just can’t contain all that enthusiasm in one little body. In the past few months, Merlin became confident enough about regular meals that he was enthusiastically barking as I spooned the food from the can. It was delightful and funny and sweet. We were so glad he felt secure enough to be happily demanding, when he thought we were taking too much time getting his meals ready. Yvaine usually chirps, but she stopped when I got out the camera, so I was never able to get the spaniel duet on video.]
I keep Yvaine’s head clipped short to apply topical allergy meds, but I haven’t done anything about her body floof in a while.
She increasingly resembles a cocker spaniel head stuck onto the body of a small sheep.
You see what I have to deal with? This is ridiculous. How can anyone accomplish anything when faced with this much happy cute? [Image Description: two cocker spaniels lay on a kitchen floor. Their eyes are wide and bright, their mouths are open in a sort of smile, they look delightfully happy and completely adorable.]
The first time Yvaine's headfloof grew into this upright and round shape[*], I called her "Muffin Top." It turned into a habit, and got shortened, and now one of her nicknames is Muffin. I am ashamed. And very glad she doesn't understand English. ... [*] Before I worked out that I need to always keep her head clipped short, for applying topical meds. She hasn't been this floofed in at least five years... but the name stuck, anyway.
Oh. Crud.
That’s a really-not-a-wart next to Merlin’s tail nub, and just about the same size. (of course, his tail nub is criminally short)
Photo sent to vet with distressed email. I don’t know if this is “looks harmless,” or if it’s “do a needle aspirate and have a look,” or if it’s “rush to get it removed and send to pathology.”
So apparently this is almost certainly a “perianal adenoma,” it can be malignant, it grows quickly and needs to come off ASAP.
Scheduling that first thing tomorrow.
We have a clinic consult on Monday, and the Spaniels are both scheduled to go in Friday. Yvaine needs her more-or-less regular dental, and we think Merlin will cope with the stress better if the outgoing extrovert that gives him his social cues is there with him, on the day of the procedure.
Also, since Merlin's last general anesthesia didn't go well (COPD, aspiration), we want him to have a quick dental while he is under anyway, so we can put off any further anesthesia for as long as possible.
The equine dentist is already scheduled to see the DOOM Ponies, for their regular maintenance, on Wednesday.
Yikes. It's gonna be a seriously spendy week.
The Spaniel On the Grassy Roll
Oh. Crud.
That’s a really-not-a-wart next to Merlin’s tail nub, and just about the same size. (of course, his tail nub is criminally short)
Photo sent to vet with distressed email. I don’t know if this is “looks harmless,” or if it’s “do a needle aspirate and have a look,” or if it’s “rush to get it removed and send to pathology.”
So apparently this is almost certainly a "perianal adenoma," it can be malignant, it grows quickly and needs to come off ASAP.
Scheduling that first thing tomorrow.