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Nem te valál győző, hanem a kor lelke: szabadság, Mellynek zászlóit hordta dicső sereged. A népek fényes csalatásba merülve imádtak, S a szent emberiség sorsa kezedbe került. Ámde te azt tündér kényednek alája vetetted, S isteni pálmádat váltja töviskoszorú. Amely kéz fölemelt, az ver most porba viszontag: Benned az emberiség ügye boszulva vagyon.

Berzsenyi Dániel: Napoleonhoz

Sorok fehér papíron, egymás alá írom, régi betűvető, eddig üzengető. Utolsó kéziratként Rád bízom, hogy mi történt, még egy utóirat, a pontosság miatt. Csak még egy utóirat, a pontosság miatt, és már zárom én az összes levelem, Irén. Csak még egy utóirat, amiben közlöm, hogy mindenki szétszaladt, hogy próbáljunk most szerteszét, ki-ki magának szerencsét. Micsoda egy utóirat, amiben mindenki szétszalad, tintánk egyre fogy, betűink dülöngélnek, Irén. De a pontosság miatt közlöm, hogy szétszakad az egynek tűnt egész, és most minden résznek hátraarc. Itt hagyjuk egymást Irén, mitőlünk búcsúzom én, ha voltunk együtt valaha, akkor ez az együtt utóirata. És ha már ez utóirat, hát legyünk csak pontosak: egymásnak hátraarc következik, valami pontos terv szerint. Hát ez volt az utóirat, pusztán a pontosság miatt, tintám fogyasztom én Irén, mitőlünk búcsúzom én.

Cseh Tamás és Bereményi Géza: Utóirat


egy olyan országban ahol azon vitatkoznak hogy fel lehet-e emelni 2%-ra a védelmi kiadásokat, ott tényleg komoly esély van erre

Kigazdálkodnák, megoldanák. Németek. De abban az országban, ahol a zöldek picsogása után egyszerűen le lehet kapcsolni az atomerőműveket egy szivárványos álom kedvéért, ráadásul egy “konzervatív” kormány alatt? LOL


amúgy nem mintha fontos lenne vagy ilyenek

de a jövőben nem tervezek már annyira sok tartalmat erre a blogra, persze nem hiszem, hogy lenne értelme törölni, meg ezen drámázni. néha-néha lesz egy két cuki kutyás poszt. aztán lehet, hogy nem, de valószínű, hogy inkább igen. 





Medieval Studies is the critical study of Europe’s self-identity. No understanding of the West is possible without it. Left-wing academics want to introduce the field to gender studies and race theory. When one Chicago professor publicly celebrated the Christian identity of the Middle Ages, she was branded a ‘violent fascist’ and ‘white supremacist’ — by other medievalists. Now Medieval Studies scholars are tearing their own discipline apart with witch-hunts, name-calling, boycotts and intimidation. The damage done to academia could be incalculable.

Standing at 5’5” and weighing barely 130 lbs — “Just say size eight,” she tells me during fact-checking — Professor Rachel Fulton Brown doesn’t look like the dangerous woman her critics describe. But she has become used to reading outlandish descriptions of herself since June 2015, when she published a blog post titled “Three Cheers For White Men,” effectively dropping a barrel of gunpowder into a burgeoning internecine war within Medieval Studies. Three years and hundreds of blog posts later, the tenured University of Chicago history professor is being casually referred to as a “fascist” at medievalist conferences, accused of inciting physical violence and rape against her peers, and avoided like a strumpet with bubonic plague. She has even been called out for bad language by Mark Zuckerberg’s sister Donna.

Fulton Brown’s blog post wasn’t, as her critics claim, a veiled defense of white nationalism, or anything like it. She was responding playfully to the “dead white male” trope in academia, gently pointing out that the wicked caucasian dudes of social justice folklore were responsible for, among other things, the development of chivalry, consensual marriage and, to some extent, the success of feminism itself. But her post went down like a cup of cold sick anyway. Dozens, later hundreds, of Fulton Brown’s colleagues declared war on her, incensed by her refusal to back down and apologize — and by the fact that she had blogged approvingly, a number of times, about a rising star in conservative media who was causing eruptions on campuses with his scathing commentary about the finger-wagging campus Left.

Fulton Brown was taken to task for refusing to acknowledge the problematic “whiteness” of her field and her responsibility as a Medieval Studies professor to “do something about it.” But a dozen senior professors interviewed for this story say something very specific and different is happening: an attempt to inject into the study of the Middle Ages the same far-Left identity politicking that has done so much damage to liberal arts departments. In the course of writing this story, I have interviewed scholars, journalists and authors, many of whom privately confided that Medieval Studies needed a Rachel Fulton Brown to draw a line in the sand, because, for the past half-decade, gender warriors and race scholars with axes to grind have been on a mission to change the field irreversibly.”

But Milo is just an exxaggerating drama quee...




““Dorothy Kim is a true believer on a crusade,” Richard Landes, a renowned professor of history, wrote in response to questions about the controversy. “On the one hand, she’s like the millennialists of the English Civil War, for whom any sign of hierarchy is a sign of Anti-Christ. Hence the anger against Fulton Brown speaking from a position of authority. At the same time, her language is authoritarian and categorical. Any disagreement is seen as proof of racism to be banished. Kim shares this with other intersectionalists, who think in Manichaean ways about the big issues, turning them into zero-sum battlegrounds in a war for their notion of justice. 

It is a fundamentally anti-academic approach …. a millennial authoritarian movement to weaponize knowledge, to advance passionately-held but often loopy notions about social justice.

(...) Based on interviews I conducted over the course of several months, the consensus in the Medieval Studies field is that literature departments lost the war against identity politics and social justice decades ago, so ambitious young academics from that world are now looking elsewhere for new disciplines they can conquer, with panels on the intractable problem of whiteness and rarefied feminist readings of obscure manuscripts. Professional cosmognosis propels these entirely parasitic organisms into new growth vectors. They arrive in a new discipline, claiming to speak for the “marginalized” and “under-represented,” publishing forceful denunciations of the usual boogeymen of sexism, homophobia and white supremacy.”

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