@doodlemeariver on Tumblr

Doodle Pie


Mommy voiced childless girlfriend who is too busy working and being emotionally drained.

I am going to make one thing clear right here…

I do not trust begging for money in my asks. I do not have enough money for my bills, let alone if you need financial help.

I understand we live in a stressful situation but it’ll only be more stressful to be taken advantage of again. If you ask me for money in my asks, I’m going to delete it.

I will share posts from those hoping to donate for aid, but I am not able to offer my time any more than that.


Captions shouldn't be censored. If the video says fuck or cum or cunt the captions should say the fucking word.

Unless it's a slur! No one needs to see that.

If they say a slur in the video, the captions should reflect it. The disabled are not little babies who have to have life sanitized for them.


okay but I feel like ur forgetting that slurs don't just apply to the disabled... children don't need to be seeing the n-word or other racial slurs??

but children DO need to be hearing it? are you actually reading the post here?

Here's how it works when subtitles are done properly:

Audio: Let's BEEP go! Subtitle: Let's (censor tone) go!

Audio: Let's fucking go! Subtitle: Let's fucking go!

Removing swears and slurs from the subtitles without removing it from the audio is implying that deaf/HoH people need babying, unlike their hearing friends and family sitting right next to them. Which is frustrating.

The point of subtitles is to give the same experience to everyone watching, regardless of ability—not to be a more palatable version of what's being said.

The purpose of subtitles/captions is to be accurate, that's all.


the amongus crewmate really was a gift to humanity. the world had enough crudely drawn dicks on bathroom stall doors we needed another shape to instantly strike annoyance and discomfort in the viewer


@timetravellingcactus cause for some reason I’m not able to send this to you

the goog drive directory titled “the library” is transferring to a different platform soon so hustle on that one!

And they absolutely arent up to date as of 2020 :) nope no sir



DONT share this


It would be such a shame if someone reblogged this. Whoops my fingers slipped

Oops I tripped

Wuh oh, accidentally detected some spaghetti-os. Oh well.

Oh no I got detected! Welp time to see this again oh dear


why is this post completely broken in every way imaginable

Broken notes… deactivated account… removed image….

Finally, we have them all.


In addition: OP’s name is just… gone. No “[insert username]-deactivated[insert a bunch of numbers]” as is the standard for deactivated blogs.

Just the world “deactivated.” Look upon their post, ye mighty, and despair.


perhaps some will disagree, but i think the world got worse when we changed the colour of the night

this is what i mean

To be clear, THIS is how nights of the future should be lit

This is bat friendly street lighting, which not only looks sick as fuck but allows bats to pass through without disturbance, as they cannot see red.

orange and especially white lights deter bats and prevent them from reaching feeding grounds at nighttime. Please if you can, write to your local council and encourage red street lights!!!!

ALSO! red light doesn’t fuck up human night vision much so you can go in and out of lit areas without readjusting


red light gang rise up

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