Something I made for my best friend. Lots of Love!
listen to me. you aren’t worthless. you aren’t a piece of shit. you won’t be alone forever. you are worthy. you are loved. you aren’t the mistakes you’ve made.
if you feel happy, please don’t push it away. you deserve to feel happy, even if you’re not used to it.
Fact #242: The labels you pick for yourself don’t have to be permanent.
no offense but ur extremely cute and u matter a lot
allymimosa (via wnq-writers)
Just a reminder in case your mind is playing tricks on you today: You matter. You’re important. You’re loved. And your presence on this earth makes a difference whether you see it or not. You’re going to be okay.
some cards I created for the beautiful @videogxrl for her birthday
there are people you haven’t met yet who will love you
Just because you aren’t happy now doesn’t mean you won’t ever be
Romantic love does not cure a mental illness
I needed this message when I was 8 tbh.
this is so great. i never see body positivity for hairy girls. just girls who don’t shave and therefor call themselves “hairy” when they’re bald in comparison to girls who actually have an “abnormal quantity” of hair which always makes me roll my eyes
People have written a lot of touchy-feely pieces on this subject but I thought I’d get right to the heart of the matter
This is 1000% more motivating than every preachy “real writers write every day” post on all of Tumblr.
Just because it isn’t happening right now doesn’t mean it never will
tell people how you feel. you aren’t manipulative or abusive for having feelings and doubts, even if it feels like it.