@dogwise on Tumblr

ah it feels like a good long time since i found a good hairless dog, wht i like about him is that he really does look very xolo-y but the big long hairs don't quite fit


smoking inside is okay if you do it with a pure heart and good intentions. if you think good thoughts you will produce "good smoke" as a byproduct which is actually extrordinarily healthy for humans


In south-western Germany, a territorial single male golden jackal (Canis aureus) was repeatedly photographed showing social interaction with a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) female and her cubs. This unusual behaviour was documented in two subsequent years (August–September 2020 and May–August 2021). The interspecific actions are not limited to encounters of the two species but include interactions such as feeding and related sociopositive behaviours. Thirty-two observations with both species appearing together were recorded within the study period. The observed behaviour raises questions about the coexistence of both species and on interspecific behaviour of wild canids in general. Social isolation of the observed male golden jackal could be one of the potential drivers for the interaction, as Germany is at the current edge of golden jackal distribution in central Europe.


Just came across this incredible study! Golden jackals have typically always been seen as being competitors with foxes and pushing out/killing them in the same way coyotes do to foxes in America. So to see this kind of friendly social interaction is amazing. Inter-species friendships like this are always fascinating.


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