I imagine that Ilvermorny starts out as Hogwarts 2.0 but by now it’s changed because there’s no way American Wizards wouldn’t want to be independent from the British because ‘Murica!! so have some modern Ilvermorny headcanons:
- Mostly everyone uses pens and spiral notebooks. Quills and parchment are too outdated for these kids.
- There’s been an ongoing fight for the elimination of uniforms since the 70′s. As of the 90′s they get to wear whatever they want on fridays, holidays, and the last day of school so long as they aren’t in trouble with the administration.
- During the weekends the kids have the option to use underground passages to get to a facility far away enough from the school where they can use their muggle devices. Movie nights projected on the walls are a popular event.
- There are bike lanes on campus because the students love to bring their bikes,skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters to school.
-The classes about no-maj culture is TONS better than the one at hogwarts. American wizards are generally up to date with muggle culture and politics. Most even vote during elections when they become of age.
-Each grade level has a representative and there are meetings held where they discuss possible events and can address various issues to the headmaster. You can even “impeach” your rep with enough signatures and a student held trial with a jury and everything.
-Student held trials are actually a popular way to settle disputes, but the administration had to create a set of rules that define an “appropriate dispute for the court” after a traumatic year long trial involving a broken novelty mug.
-There’s a drama department and they like to perform no-maj plays/musicals at the end of the year.
-The popularity of quidditch is dwindling. Ultimate Frisbee played on brooms is becoming the new favorite on campus.
-Your are not required to sit with your house during meals and many like to eat outside the cafeteria.
- Students are only required to dorm with their house until 3rd year. During the summer before their 4th year they and other friends regardless of house can apply to share a room together.