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Iron Strange


Here lies my Iron Strange Blog. No character or ship hate. Feel free to submit asks or headcanons.
Anonymous asked:

Sometimes, instead of saying Dear God, I say Dear Vishanti, just to confuse everyone around me for a few seconds. It’s immensely entertaining.

By the Hory Host of Hoggath is the next phrase. Lol love it. I may have to switch myself. ;) great stuff.


fun things you can do with this like…

instead of jesus fucking christ? hoary fucking hosts/hosts of fucking hoggoth

instead of sweet baby jesus? sweet ageless vishanti

instead of good lord? good vishanti

so on and so forth

Anonymous asked:

Sometimes, instead of saying Dear God, I say Dear Vishanti, just to confuse everyone around me for a few seconds. It’s immensely entertaining.

By the Hory Host of Hoggath is the next phrase. Lol love it. I may have to switch myself. ;) great stuff.

Anonymous asked:

Headcanon - Captain Marvel And Doctor Strange are buddies. They bond over how powerful they are and the fact that they both have glowing orange to represent their powers.

Hmmm. Going from comics relationships, Doctor Strange is a pretty mellow guy with other heroes. Its gonna be interesting to see his evolution and how much they change Carol, too. But headcanon away! I like this idea.

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