“Disneyland will never be completed. It will grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” - Walt Disney
Sleeping Beauty Castle 60th
Photographer: Laura Jones
Disneyland Grand
Yes, The Disneyland Diamond Celebration has ended. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the beautiful decor in photos!
Sparkling Castle by Spencer Goad Via Flickr: Sleeping Beauty Castle, Disneyland Park Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, California Just 2 more weeks left in the Disneyland 60th celebration! This picture is from the one trip we made out during the celebration - last summer during the actual anniversary week. I tend to prefer my nighttime photography over what I capture in the day, but I really liked this shot with the colors and the sun reflecting off the 60th decor. Thanks for looking! Comments & constructive criticism are always welcome.
Where Dreams Come True by acciobrandon on Flickr.
The very last day of the Disneyland Diamond Celebration is September 5th. Some people may comment about how crazy I am for saying this, but I'm going to miss it. For those of you who are not aware, the Disneyland Forever fireworks and Disney's Paint the Night Parade will also be having their *final* performances on that day. It's a very sad day for people like me who absolutely loved the new parade and the firework show. However, I was taught back in 2008 all good things must come to an end with the closure of Disney's not so well known game... Virtual Magic Kingdom. (All of those VMK fans out there will know what I'm talking about.)
Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle - Finished Decorations by Anthony H.
Where Dreams Come True by acciobrandon on Flickr.
Disneyland by Crustopher on Flickr.
A Diamond Celebration by Michael Via Flickr: This night at Disneyland my goal was simple, get some shots of the castle with the array of spotlights on behind it. Capturing the photos…not nearly as simple. I realized very quickly that these were going to require a lot of merging/layering, something I’ve never really mastered. They’ve sat on my computer since September, never really having the desire or time to frustrate myself with the process, until today. I decided to give the Creative Cloud versions of LR a try, and figured I would test the Merge to HDR function with a few Disneyland photos. This one actually turned out fairly well, although I’m certainly entirely happy with it (the glow around the turret tops is something that requires processing in PS, so I’ll be revisiting this). This is a merge of 5 images, auto-toned and then adjusted afterwards to bring everything down and under control.
The Gardens of Disneyland by Tyler Bliss on Flickr.
I love what I do 😍 (at The Happiest Place on Earth)
Diamond Lights by Brandon Le